- enum InterpolatePixelMethod: int;
The pixel color interpolation method.
- UndefinedInterpolatePixel
- AverageInterpolatePixel
The average color of the surrounding four pixels.
- BicubicInterpolatePixel
Fitted bicubic-spines of surrounding 16 pixels.
- BilinearInterpolatePixel
A double linear interpolation of pixels (the default).
- FilterInterpolatePixel
Use resize filter settings.
- IntegerInterpolatePixel
The color of the top-left pixel (floor function).
- MeshInterpolatePixel
Divide area into two flat triangular interpolations.
- NearestNeighborInterpolatePixel
The nearest pixel to the lookup point (rounded function).
- SplineInterpolatePixel
Direct spline curves (colors are blurred).
- Average9InterpolatePixel
Average 9 nearest neighbours.
- Average16InterpolatePixel
Average 16 nearest neighbours.
- BlendInterpolatePixel
blend of nearest 1, 2 or 4 pixels.
- BackgroundInterpolatePixel
just return background color.
- CatromInterpolatePixel
Catmull-Rom interpolation.