- enum AlignType: int;
Specify text alignment.
- enum ClipPathUnits: int;
Defines the coordinate system for the contents of a clip path.
- UndefinedPathUnits
- UserSpace
The contents of the clipPath represent values in the current user coordinate system.
- UserSpaceOnUse
The contents of the clipPath represent values in the current user coordinate system in place at the time when the clipPath element is referenced.
- ObjectBoundingBox
The user coordinate system for the contents of the clipPath element is established using the bounding box of the element to which the clipping path is applied.
- enum DecorationType: int;
Specify the text decoration.
- enum DirectionType: int;
Defines the text direction.
- enum FillRule: int;
FillRule indicates the algorithm which is to be used to determine what parts of the canvas are included inside the shape.
- UndefinedRule
- EvenOddRule
This rule determines the "insideness" of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.
- NonZeroRule
This rule determines the "insideness" of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside.
- enum LineCap: int;
Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
See Also:
the 'stroke-linecap' property in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification.- enum LineJoin: int;
Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked.
See Also:
the 'stroke-linejoin' property in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification.- enum PaintMethod: int;
Specify how pixel colors are to be replaced in the image.
- UndefinedMethod
- PointMethod
Replace pixel color at point.
- ReplaceMethod
Replace color for all image pixels matching color at point.
- FloodfillMethod
Replace color for pixels surrounding point until encountering pixel that fails to match color at point.
- FillToBorderMethod
Replace color for pixels surrounding point until encountering pixels matching border color.
- ResetMethod
Replace colors for all pixels in image with fill color.
- struct TypeMetric;
This is used to reprecent text/font mesurements.
- PointInfo pixels_per_em;
Horizontal (x) and vertical (y) pixels per em.
- double ascent;
The distance in pixels from the text baseline to the highest/upper grid coordinate used to place an outline point. Always a positive value.
- double descent;
The distance in pixels from the baseline to the lowest grid coordinate used to place an outline point. Always a negative value.
- double width;
- double height;
- double max_advance;
The maximum horizontal advance (advance from the beginning of a character to the beginning of the next character) in pixels.
- double underline_position;
- double underline_thickness;
- SegmentInfo bounds;
This is an imaginary box that encloses all glyphs from the font, usually as tightly as possible.
- PointInfo origin;
A virtual point, located on the baseline, used to locate glyphs.